Dreams and Fat Monsters
I've been obsessing over this small deposit of fat on my lower stomach. I think it was always there, but for some reason it recently became obvious to me. I've started counting calories just like I warned my sister not to do. "Don't start counting calories or you'll end up miserably obsessed with food and start puking or something". I've been going to the gym every day and I keep pinching it like it's some sleeping creature that should wake up and run off into the woods. If anything, it's been an exercise catalyst.
I've been avoiding things that are fried, cakes, cookies, and pastries. If you are someone that knows me, you will realize the seriousness of my mental state. I don't give up cookies and cake easily. God damn this civilization.
I had a dream that I was on a makeover show. Initially I was supposed to be directing the show, but then I found myself as the star, being made-over. I was seated in front of a hearth with a mirror above it, and then these people started attaching lots of wooden beads to my clothes with safety pins until I was covered in scales like some oak fish. Then they put pounds of makeup on me. I thought it looked just dreadful in the mirror. They responded to my obvious concern by framing the mirror with a bunch of colored silk butterflies. It was ghastly. Are there any dream interpreters out there?
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